First, I want to thank you for making this commitment to better health.

It is my passion to hold spaces for self-empowerment and I’ll share a few things to prepare for our Yoga sessions, so we can create an enjoyable experience. 

Find stillness now, think about one (or three) powerful habit(s) you can support yourself with. 

Commit to Growth for the next 5 minutes and fill this form – Include your email address so you can send the answers to yourself. This simple exercise will help your periodic reflections and reinforce your commitments to self.


Clothes: For the best experience, your attire should be comfortable. It should also absorb sweat well and allow you to move, stretch, and breathe with ease.

Difficulty Levels: With experience and years of advanced training, I’m capable of teaching beginners as well as advanced students in multi-level classes and styles of yoga, so you’ll learn to move safely at every age, fitness level and body type. 

As long as you listen attentively, don’t compete with anyone, and observe your breath.

Don’t take class on a Full Stomach. Trying to do yoga right after mealtime will hinder your practice. If you must eat, try something light 1 or 2 hours before practice, so you can move with ease.

Breath is Everything. Pay attention to how shallow your breath is at the beginning of class and when it gets deeper and more relaxed at the end of class. Breathing deeply signals our parasympathetic nervous system to calm the body. It can also manage our stress responses to help decrease anxiety, fear, racing thoughts, and a rapid heartbeat. 

When you feel your mind wander, observe the quality of your breath, think about lengthening your inhales and exhales.

New to Yoga. Let the instructor know before class starts. The instructor will then know to keep an eye on you throughout class and to offer additional cueing for poses as needed.

It’s also important to let your instructor know if you have any injuries or are pregnant, and how you feel about receiving hands-on corrections. All of this information gives the instructor the opportunity to make the class as comfortable and accessible as possible.

Don’t Skip Savasana. Your final relaxation in Savasana is an important part of your practice. Please don’t leave class early and disrupt everyone’s rest period.

See tips on how to prepare for Virtual Classes

I’m so grateful for this opportunity to share and learn with you. My Yoga is a philosophy of how to live well by transforming yourself, and how you experience daily life with all of its ups and downs.

I’m keen and excited to meet you!

Kindred in spirit,


Founder  & YogaClubLagos 

Previous Works: Breathe Wellness & Lifestyle & EatPlayYoga Retreats